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Technology Documentaries

Robots Future Technology on Earth and going into Space


Nanotechnology Making Stuff Smaller

How small can we go?

How Will Nanotechnology Change The World?

Future Passenger Aircraft NASA Boeing Full Documentary

NASA Building New Aircraft Flying for Future Flights
Aviation team as they conduct a variety of tests on new aircraft designs.

The Big Turn On Full Sex documentaries.movievideos4u.comThe Big Turn On - SexTech

The Big Turn On reveals how sex-tech is dissolving taboos, shaking up relationships, and presenting huge opportunities for business. 

Full DocumentaryHubble's Amazing Universe

Hubble has made numerous discoveries, such as the birth of stars, the death of stars, the existence of black holes, the violence of a comet crash,

Future Military Robot Warriors Technologies Full DocumentaryFuture Terminator Robot Army Droids

The U.S. military has made a major commitment to deploying and developing robots for use on the battlefield

When Nature and Technology Combine Full DocumentaryWhen Nature and Technology Combine
Designers and engineers all over the world are borrowing from Nature’s blueprints—finally using a resource that has been at our fingertips for millions of years. NatureTech
Secret Future Jet Fighters and Weapons

Secret Future Jet Fighters and Weapons

Anticipating future defense of the nation by cutting edge technology.  Featuring  the F-22 Raptor.

Full DocumentaryNew Amazing Concept Cars

Future Designs currently being developed.

Rise of the Robot Humanoid MachinesRise of the Robot Humanoid Machines

Future of Human Like RobotsRise of the Machine. Future is Today - Humanoid Robots

Rise of the Drones Full PBS DocumentaryRise of the Drones

These unmanned flying robots–some as large as jumbo jets, others as small as birds–do things straight out of science fiction

Three Gorges Dam Biggest in the World Ever Built in China Documentary

Biggest Dam in the World Ever Built

The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River.

Worlds Biggest Airplanes Documentary

Biggest Luxury Ship In the World

Worlds Biggest Airplanes

Worlds Biggest Aircraft Carrier

The Worlds Longest Tunnel

The Space Shuttle Narrated by William Shatner ; NASA full video DocumentaryThe NASA Space Shuttle

An idea born in unsettled times becomes a feat of engineering excellence. The most complex machine ever built to bring humans to and from space

Biography - Bill Gates: Sultan of Software DocumentaryBiography - Bill Gates: Sultan of Software

Life Story

Full DocumentaryAirplane Crash Investigations

Mayday Final Hour of Flight 11 Boston, Flight 781 DeHavilland Comet, Japan Airlines Flight 123

100 year anniversary Building the Titanic - Two Full DocumentariesBuilding the Titanic

Competition spawned the Titanic. In 1907, the White Star Line's rival, Cunard, launched the two fastest passenger ships then in service, the Mauritania and the Lusitania.

Silver Mines - Modern Marvels DocumentarySilver Mines - Modern Marvels

Go beneath the earth to see firsthand the innovations in drilling, ventilation, drainage and processing that transformed the mining industry into a modern operation.




Hitler's Hidden Drug Habit

Stephen Hawking Full Documentary Science of the Future
Stephen Hawking's Science of the Future investigates the very latest game changing innovations.The barriers between the physical and virtual worlds begin to blur as Stephen Hawking and his team of scientists explore the latest innovations.

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