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War Weapons Russia VS United States

War Weapons Russia VS United States Full 2018 Documentary
Tensions between Russia and the United States are reaching record levels. This is leading many experts to believe WW3 is just around the corner.


VLADIMIR Putin’s new nuclear weapons, which the Russian President boasts can reach anywhere in the world, put the world at risk of a “new Cold War” as a top expert warned “we are in a new arms race”.


Putin mentioned strategic nuclear systems in various stages of development. The best known of these is the RS-28 “Sarmat,” a new land-based heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that will be fitted with advanced technology to assure penetration of any missile defense.



Tensions between Russia and the United States are reaching record levels.

This is leading many experts to believe WW3 is just around the corner.


If world war 3 starts, Ai Robots may be used as weapons and we could see the price of bitcoin change drastically.


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